Monday, February 11, 2008

Internationalization continued...

It's been a while since I posted, and for reason. The mechanism for displaying
the internationalized text is in place, and even Serbian is done. I am looking
for a couple of more volunteers to do some more translation. Looking for
Spanish and Portuguese... Chinese would be nice also...

Saturday, January 12, 2008


For a site calling itself a World Car Pooling site, we have to be internationalized. This isn't so hard to do in Java, so, I have solved all technical problems with that. The languages I want enabled are: French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Serbian, Chinese, Hindi, Korean - and any other language I can come up with. I have friends that do speak these languages, so I am hoping to have them engaged in this endeavor.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Notification emails were not explicit

It is funny how we sometimes forget the human interaction
in technology. I concentrated so hard to make the technology
part of work, that I realized that the notification
emails were kind of unfriendly. So, I had to change them!
Anyway, now they tell you that you will be notified if anyone
tries to carpool with you, and that you should go back once
a week to to see if there is anyone new and
compatible with you... ( I really should automate that ).

Saturday, January 5, 2008 update

Well, roomycar is up, and some people have signed up. I am thinking of some
new features that could use - I have the following in mind:

1) Allow people to put up locations of cheap parking in their work neighborhood - google
maps based.

2) Allow the ability to participate and show one's route, and HOW LONG it takes to get
to work and home. This is useful to help others find an alternative route to work.

If you have any idea for any new features for, please let me know.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's ALIVE !!!!

After much programming, and sleepless nights, RoomyCar is LIVE for your use.
Kindly go to , register, carpool and help make this
planet a better place by removing cars off the roads.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tentative launch date is set

I really think that I have beaten RoomyCar to death at this point - all bugs are done (I hope - found a nasty one this afternoon). I also adjusted some color issues. Not much else to do at this point.

Monday, December 24, 2007

never quite done

Have to add - admin pages (in particular, pages for news stories) -
also, have to check on all textarea data entry fields, do a validation
check etc...